Class: ReverbFilter


Filter for adding reverb. Refactored from

new filters.ReverbFilter (seconds, decay, reverse) overrides

Name Type Default Description
seconds number 3

Seconds for reverb

decay number 2

The decay length

reverse boolean false

Reverse reverb



decay number

Decay value from 0 to 100

Default Value:
  • 2

reverse boolean

Reverse value from 0 to 1

Default Value:
  • false

seconds number

Length of reverb in seconds from 1 to 50

Default Value:
  • 3

Inherited Properties

From class filters.Filter

destination AudioNode inherited

The node to connect for the filter to the previous filter.

source AudioNode inherited

The node to connect for the filter to the previous filter.

Inherited Methods

From class filters.Filter

connect (destination) void inherited

Connect to the destination.

Name Type Description
destination AudioNode

The destination node to connect the output to

destroy () void inherited

Destroy the filter and don't use after this.

disconnect () void inherited

Completely disconnect filter from destination and source nodes.

init (destination, source) void protected inherited


Name Type Attributes Description
destination AudioNode
source AudioNode <optional>