Class: Filter


Represents a single sound element. Can be used to play, pause, etc. sound instances.

new filters.Filter (destination, source)

Name Type Attributes Description
destination AudioNode

The audio node to use as the destination for the input AudioNode

source AudioNode <optional>

Optional output node, defaults to destination node. This is useful when creating filters which contains multiple AudioNode elements chained together.


destination AudioNode

The node to connect for the filter to the previous filter.

source AudioNode

The node to connect for the filter to the previous filter.


connect (destination) void

Connect to the destination.

Name Type Description
destination AudioNode

The destination node to connect the output to

destroy () void

Destroy the filter and don't use after this.

disconnect () void

Completely disconnect filter from destination and source nodes.

init (destination, source) void protected


Name Type Attributes Description
destination AudioNode
source AudioNode <optional>