Class: TweenManager


new TweenManager ()


queue (context)PUXI.TweenManager

Queues the tween context so that it is updated every frame.

Name Type Description
context PUXI.Tween
Type Description
PUXI.TweenManager this manager, useful for method chaining

start ()

Starts the update loop.

stop ()

Stops the update loop. This will prevent tweens from getting updated.

tween (startValue, endValue, duration, erp, ease)

Initiates a tween from startValue to endValue for the given duration using an interpolator.

Name Type Description
startValue T

value of tween property at start

endValue T

value of tween property at finish

duration DOMHighResTimeStamp | number

duration of tween in milliseconds

erp PUXI.Erp.<T>

interpolator on tween property

ease PUXI.Ease optional

easing function