Class: Input


Container-based component that creates an input to read the user's text.

new Input (options)

Creates an input.

Name Type Description
options number

Options object to use. Sprite | Graphics | Texture | string

Background of the Input.
Can be a string (name of texture) or an instance of Texture, Sprite or Graphics.
If you want to use NineSliceSprite, you have to pass a text (name of texture) or an instance of Texture as a parameter.

options.textStyle PixiTextStyle

Text style of the Input.

options.placeholder string

Placeholder of the Input.

options.value string

Value of the Input.

options.maxLength number

Max length of the Input.

options.align 'left' | 'center' | 'right'

Align of the Input.

options.padding Padding

Padding of the Input. number

Top padding of the Input.

options.padding.right number

Right padding of the Input.

options.padding.bottom number

Bottom padding of the Input.

options.padding.left number

Left padding of the Input.

options.cleanOnFocus boolean

Clean Input on focus.

options.addMask boolean

Add mask to the Input text, so it is cut off when it does not fit.

options.nineSliceSprite Array

NineSliceSprite values for bg and fill ([number, number, number, number]).
!!! IMPORTANT: To make it work, you have to pass a texture name or texture instance as a bg parameter.


new Input({
    bg: Sprite.from('input.png'),
    placeholder: 'Enter text',
    padding: {
     top: 11,
     right: 11,
     bottom: 11,
     left: 11
    } // alternatively you can use [11, 11, 11, 11] or [11, 11] or just 11


  • Container



Sets height of a Input. If nineSliceSprite is set, then height will be set to nineSliceSprite. If nineSliceSprite is not set, then height will control components height as Container.

height number

Gets height of Input.

onChange Signal<(text: string) => void>

Fires every time input string is changed.

onEnter Signal<(text: string) => void>

Fires when input loses focus.

padding [number, number, number, number]

Set paddings

paddingBottom number

Bottom side padding

Default Value:
  • 0

paddingLeft number

Left side padding

Default Value:
  • 0

paddingRight number

Right side padding

Default Value:
  • 0

paddingTop number

Top side padding

Default Value:
  • 0


Sets the input text.

value string

Return text of the input.


Sets width of a Input. If nineSliceSprite is set, then width will be set to nineSliceSprite. If nineSliceSprite is not set, then width will control components width as Container.

width number

Gets width of Input.