Class: ZoomBlurFilter


The ZoomFilter applies a Zoom blur to an object.

new ZoomBlurFilter (options)

Name Type Attributes Description
options ZoomBlurFilterOptions <optional>

Options for the ZoomBlurFilter constructor.


  • Filter


DEFAULT_OPTIONS ZoomBlurFilterOptions staticreadonly

Default values for options.

center PointData

The center of the zoom

Default Value:
  • [0,0]

centerX number

Sets the center of the effect in normalized screen coords on the x axis

Default Value:
  • 0

centerY number

Sets the center of the effect in normalized screen coords on the y axis

Default Value:
  • 0

innerRadius number

The inner radius of zoom. The part in inner circle won't apply zoom blur effect

Default Value:
  • 0

radius number

Outer radius of the effect. less than 0 equates to infinity

Default Value:
  • -1

strength number

Sets the strength of the zoom blur effect

Default Value:
  • 0.1