Class: KawaseBlurFilter


A much faster blur than Gaussian blur, but more complicated to use.

new KawaseBlurFilter (options)

Name Type Attributes Description
options KawaseBlurFilterOptions <optional>

Options for the KawaseBlurFilter constructor.



  • Filter


DEFAULT_OPTIONS KawaseBlurFilterOptions staticreadonly

Default values for options.

clamp boolean

Get the if the filter is clamped

Default Value:
  • false

kernels number[]

The kernel size of the blur filter, for advanced usage

Default Value:
  • [0]

pixelSize PointData

The size of the pixels. Large size is blurrier. For advanced usage.

Default Value:
  • {x:1,y:1}

pixelSizeX number

The size of the pixels on the x axis. Large size is blurrier. For advanced usage.

Default Value:
  • 1

pixelSizeY number

The size of the pixels on the y axis. Large size is blurrier. For advanced usage.

Default Value:
  • 1

quality number

The quality of the filter, integer greater than 1.

Default Value:
  • 3

strength number

The amount of blur, value greater than 0.

Default Value:
  • 4