Class: GlowFilter


GlowFilter, originally by mishaa codepen.

new GlowFilter (options)

Name Type Attributes Description
options GlowFilterOptions <optional>

Options for the GlowFilter constructor.


someSprite.filters = [
    new GlowFilter({ distance: 15, outerStrength: 2 })


  • Filter


DEFAULT_OPTIONS GlowFilterOptions staticreadonly

Default values for options.

alpha number

The alpha of the glow

Default Value:
  • 1

color ColorSource

The color of the glow.

Default Value:
  • 0xFFFFFF

distance number

Only draw the glow, not the texture itself

Default Value:
  • false

innerStrength number

The strength of the glow inward from the edge of the sprite.

Default Value:
  • 0

knockout boolean

Only draw the glow, not the texture itself

Default Value:
  • false

outerStrength number

The strength of the glow outward from the edge of the sprite.

Default Value:
  • 4

quality number

A number between 0 and 1 that describes the quality of the glow. The higher the number the less performant

Default Value:
  • 0.1