Class: DropShadowFilter


Drop shadow filter.

new DropShadowFilter (options)

Name Type Attributes Description
options DropShadowFilterOptions <optional>

Options for the DropShadowFilter constructor.


  • Filter


DEFAULT_OPTIONS DropShadowFilterOptions staticreadonly

Default values for options.

alpha number

Coefficient for alpha multiplication

Default Value:
  • 1

blur number

The strength of the shadow's blur.

Default Value:
  • 2

color ColorSource

The color value of shadow.

Default Value:
  • 0x000000
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] = 0x000000

kernels number[]

Sets the kernels of the Blur Filter

offset PointData

Set the offset position of the drop-shadow relative to the original image.

Default Value:
  • [4,4]

offsetX number

Set the offset position of the drop-shadow relative to the original image on the x axis

Default Value:
  • 4

offsetY number

Set the offset position of the drop-shadow relative to the original image on the y axis

Default Value:
  • 4

pixelSize PointData

Sets the pixelSize of the Kawase Blur filter

Default Value:
  • [1,1]

pixelSizeX number

Sets the pixelSize of the Kawase Blur filter on the x axis

Default Value:
  • 1

pixelSizeY number

Sets the pixelSize of the Kawase Blur filter on the y axis

Default Value:
  • 1

quality number

Sets the quality of the Blur Filter

Default Value:
  • 4

shadowOnly boolean

Hide the contents, only show the shadow.

Default Value:
  • false