Class: ColorGradientFilter


Render a colored gradient.

new ColorGradientFilter (options)

Name Type Attributes Description
options ColorGradientFilterOptions | ColorGradientFilterCSSOptions <optional>

Options for the ColorGradientFilter constructor.


  • Filter


defaults ColorGradientFilterOptions staticreadonly

Default constructor options

LINEAR number staticreadonly

Gradient types

Default Value:
  • 0

alpha number

The alpha value of the gradient (0-1)

Default Value:
  • 1

angle number

The angle of the gradient in degrees

Default Value:
  • 90

maxColors number

The maximum number of colors to render (0 = no limit)

Default Value:
  • 0

replace boolean

If true, the gradient will replace the existing color, otherwise it will be multiplied with it

Default Value:
  • false

type number

The type of gradient

Default Value:
  • ColorGradientFilter.LINEAR