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Audio & FFmpeg

The AssetPack library includes powerful plugins for audio conversion and file format manipulation using FFmpeg. These plugins, audio and ffmpeg, provide robust solutions for handling a variety of media file formats.


The audio plugin converts and compresses audio files (mp3, wav, and ogg) to mp3 and ogg formats. This is particularly useful for ensuring compatibility and optimizing file sizes for web delivery.



Input Image
Input Image
// assetpack.config.ts
import { audio } from "@assetpack/core/ffmpeg";

export default {
pipes: [
audio: audio(),


The ffmpeg plugin exposes the full FFmpeg API, allowing for the conversion of any file type to any other file type. This provides a high level of customization and control over the conversion process, enabling a wide range of media processing tasks.


// assetpack.config.ts
import { ffmpeg } from "@assetpack/core/ffmpeg";

export default {
pipes: [
inputs: ['.mp3', '.ogg', '.wav'],
outputs: [
formats: ['.mp3'],
recompress: false,
options: {
audioBitrate: 96,
audioChannels: 1,
audioFrequency: 48000,
formats: ['.ogg'],
recompress: false,
options: {
audioBitrate: 32,
audioChannels: 1,
audioFrequency: 22050,


inputsstring[]An array of file extensions to be processed.
outputsobject[]An array of objects containing the output formats and options for each format.
outputs.formatsstring[]An array of file extensions to be output.
outputs.recompressbooleanA boolean value indicating whether the input file should be compressed if the output format is the same as the input format.
outputs.optionsobjectAn object containing the FFmpeg options for the output file.