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Cache Buster

The cacheBuster plugin is an essential tool for ensuring that assets are correctly updated when they change. When the cacheBuster plugin is added to the AssetPack configuration file, it generates unique hashes and appends them to file names. This process ensures that when assets are modified, the updated versions are correctly re-downloaded by the user's browser, bypassing any cached versions.



Input Image
Input Image

To use the cacheBuster plugin, include it in your AssetPack pipeline. It's crucial to note that the order of plugins in the pipeline affects the final output. For optimal results, ensure that the cacheBuster transformation occurs at the correct stage in your pipeline.

// assetpack.config.ts
import { cacheBuster } from "@assetpack/core/cacheBuster";

export default {
pipes: [
// make sure these pipes are added after plugins that generate files

Spine and Texture Packer

When integrating with the texturePacker plugin or your porject has spine atlas files, you need to add the texturePackerCacheBuster / spineAtlasCacheBuster pipes immediately after the cacheBuster pipe.

The texturePackerCacheBuster ensures that the JSON files internally update their asset names to reflect the newly hashed file names. The spineAtlasCacheBuster pipe performs a similar function for spine atlas files.


// assetpack.config.ts
import { cacheBuster } from "@assetpack/core/cache-buster";
import { texturePackerCacheBuster } from "@assetpack/core/texture-packer";
import { spineAtlasCacheBuster } from "@assetpack/core/spine";

export default {
pipes: [
// make sure these pipes are added after plugins that generate files