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Github Action


You must enable cache in your assetpack configuration to use this feature.

See API Reference for more information.

AssetPack can be used with GitHub Actions to automate the asset optimisation process and cache the result, improving build times. This guide will show you how to set up a GitHub Action to run AssetPack on your repository.


To set up a GitHub Action for AssetPack, you need to create a new workflow file in your repository. Create a new file in the .github/workflows directory with the following content:


This example assumes that your raw assets are located in a directory called raw-assets and that you have a build script in your package.json file that runs AssetPack.

You may need to adjust the paths and commands to match your project structure.

name: AssetPack

on: [push]

runs-on: ubuntu-latest

- uses: actions/checkout@v4

- name: Setup Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: '20'

- name: Install dependencies
run: npm ci

# Cache assets!
- name: Generate hash from file names
id: hash-names
run: echo "NAMES_HASH=$(find ./raw-assets -type f | sort | md5sum | cut -d' ' -f1)" >> $GITHUB_ENV

- name: Cache .assetpack directory
id: cache-directory
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: |
key: ${{ runner.os }}-cache-23-04-24-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }}-${{ hashFiles('raw-assets/**/*') }}-${{ env.NAMES_HASH }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-cache-23-04-24-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }}
# End Cache assets!

# Now do your build
- name: Build
run: npm run build