Class: Tween


Provides timeline playback of movieclip

new Tween (target, startProps, endProps, startFrame, duration, ease)

Name Type Attributes Description
target AnimateDisplayObject

The target to play

startProps TweenProps

The starting properties

endProps TweenProps | null

The ending properties

startFrame number

frame number on which to begin tweening

duration number

Number of frames to tween

ease EaseMethod <optional>

Ease function to use


duration number

duration of tween in frames. A single-frame keyframe has a duration of 0.

ease { [P in undefined TweenablePropNames] }: EaseMethod

easing function to use, if any

endFrame number

the frame that the tween ends on

endProps TweenProps

Properties at the end of the tween, as well as any properties that are set instead of tweened

isTweenlessFrame boolean

If we don't tween.

startFrame number

The frame that the tween starts on

startProps TweenProps

Properties at the start of the tween

target AnimateDisplayObject

Target display object.


setPosition (currentFrame) void

Set the current frame.

Name Type Description
currentFrame number

setToEnd () void

Set to the end position