Class: Animator


Play animation via start/stop frame labels

new Animator ()


Animator.LOOP_LABEL string static

Suffix added to label for a loop.

Animator.STOP_LABEL string static

Suffix added to label for a stop.


Animator.fromTo (instance, start, end, loop, callback) AnimatorTimeline static

Play a MovieClip from a start to end frame.

Name Type Attributes Description
instance MovieClip

Movie clip to play.

start number | string

The starting frame index or label.

end number | string

The ending frame index or label.

loop boolean <optional>

If the animation should loop.

callback () => void <optional>

Optional callback when complete

Type Description
AnimatorTimeline Timeline object for stopping or getting progress. (instance, callback) AnimatorTimeline static

Play the entire duration of the MovieClip.

Name Type Attributes Description
instance MovieClip

Movie clip to play.

callback string | (() => void) <optional>

Optional callback when complete

Type Description
AnimatorTimeline Timeline object for stopping or getting progress. (instance, label, callback) AnimatorTimeline static

Play an animation by frame labels. For instance, play animation sequence from 'idle' to 'idle_stop' or 'idle_loop'. If no event label is provided, will play the entire duration of the MovieClip.

Name Type Attributes Description
instance MovieClip

Movie clip to play.

label string

The frame label event to call, if no event is provided will use the entire length of the MovieClip.

callback () => void <optional>

Optional callback when complete

Type Description
AnimatorTimeline Timeline object for stopping or getting progress.

Animator.stop (instance) void static

Stop the animation by instance.

Name Type Description
instance MovieClip

Movie clip to play.

Animator.stopAll () void static

Stop all the currently playing animations. (instance, end, callback) AnimatorTimeline static

Play an animation from the current frame to an end frame or label.

Name Type Attributes Description
instance MovieClip

Movie clip to play.

end string | number

The end frame or label.

callback () => void <optional>

Optional callback when complete

Type Description
AnimatorTimeline Timeline object for stopping or getting progress.